Allantoparmelia almquistii (Vainio) Essl.
Lesser rock grub

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Distribution of Allantoparmelia almquistii unavailable

Species Information

Small to occasionally medium stratified foliose lichens, corticate above and below, neither sorediate nor isidiate, lobes closely appressed, elongate, thick, averaging to 0.15–1.5 mm wide. Upper surface olive-brown to more often blackening, dull. Lower surface pale tan to black, dull, lacking rhizines, attached by thickened cortical outgrowths. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Apothecia located over upper surface, disc black; spores simple, ellipsoid, colourless, 8 per ascus. Over acid rock in exposed alpine localities.

Notes: Allantoparmelia, which was recently segregated from Parmelia, is an arctic-alpine genus consisting of three species worldwide. Two of these occur in B.C.
Species description:
Rhizines absent (sparse peg-like cortical outgrowths, however, sometimes present); lobes oval or circular in cross-section; upper surface distinctly convex; over rock; alpine AND Thallus not shrub-like; lobes more flattened and with distinct upper and lower surface; medulla KC+ reddish AND Lower surface not at all white-pruinose; lobes mostly appressed throughout, densely branched, generally obscuring substrate; cortex K- throughout; medulla PD+ strong yellow or PD- AND Lobes generally averaging to less than 0.5 mm wide; lower surface usually pale brownish throughout; medulla C+ orangish to reddish, PD-, K-; rare
Spot tests are required to reliably distinguish A. alpicola from A. almquistii.
Medulla K+ pale to dingy yellow, C- or C+ reddish, KC+ reddish, PD+ strong yellow.
Alectorialic acid, barbatolic acid, one unknown substance (and a fatty acid).

SourceLichens of British Columbia

Habitat and Range

Habitat: Rare over acid rock in exposed maritime alpine and subalpine localities

World Distribution: western N Am – eastern N Am – eastern Eurasia, S to BC

SourceLichens of British Columbia


Synonyms and Alternate Names:
Parmelia almquistii Vain.